Big Arb Resort – 01

This is a quick presentation that focuses on Phase 01 and Phase 02 for the Big Arb website. Phase 01 is a one-page site, while Phase 02 would be comprised of several more pages, resulting in a lot more time in development.

Phase 01 – Style Sheet

This figure demonstrates how the one-page website will look on a desktop. It can have a large image slider at the top of the page, as well as a couple of image galleries, one for each of the indiviudal cabins. We can also add a Goolge Map to the layout (not pictured).

This figure is scrollable

Phase 02 – Sitemap

This is a proposed sitemap for Phase 02 of the website, consisting of 8 total pages. In Phase 01, I plan to build the site in WordPress, so we can easily add as many pages/posts as you’d like in Phase 02.


Phase 02 – Wireframes

These wireframes demonstrate how the content could be laid out, from page to page.

Home Page


About Page


Listing for all Cabins


Individual Cabin Page


Contact Page


Phase 02 – Masthead/Logo Alternative

I understand the sentimental value of your new logo, but I’m concerned about logo legibility. I wonder if there are other ways to demonstrate some of these visuals. The mock-up below is simply another interpretation of elements from your logo. The slider could contain the image of your father with your son?

This figure is scrollable

Phase 02 – Menu Overlay

This figure below demonstrates how the menu and menu overlay for the proposed Phase 02 website would look/work. Windy City Sips uses a similar menu.

NOT scrollable